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miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Details The Masque of the Red Death

 Questions The Masque of the Red Death

1.                Why did Prince Prospero decide to take his friends far away to one of his distant castles?

Because the plague had arrived

2.                How was the suite in Prince Prospero’s castle different from suites other palaces?

The rooms were not straight line, all had a sharp turn every seven or ten meters, all the rooms had a tall, narrow window, both with the same color. Unlike the last room was enigmatic, had a black velvet and scarlet window.

3.                What happened when the clock in the back room struck the hour?

The musicians and dancers stopped to listen. All people forget their happiness.

4.                What happened when the clock stopped chiming?

The laughter started again, the musicians smiled and all was like before first chime.

5.                What did the people see after the clock struck midnight?

A masked figure enters the blue room.

6.                What was the stranger like?

His clothes were dripping with blood and there was blood on his face and forehead.

7.                What did the people discover when they grabbed masked figure and pulled off his mask and costume?

The mask and costume were empty, there was no one inside.

8.                Who was the stranger?

The stranger was the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night to steal their hope, their happiness and their lives.

Details The Pit and the Pendulum

The Pit and the Pendulum

1.                What sentence did the court pronounce on the prisoner?

They sentenced him to death.

2.                      How did the narrator know he was not in a condemned cell?
All the condemned cells in Toledo had soma light. Not like here.  

3.                      How did the narrator measure his dungeon?

          He tore off the bottom of his robe and placed it on floor like start point until he could complete the circuit.

4.                      While measuring the dungeon, the prisoner fell asleep. What did he find when woke up?

He found a loaf of bread and a jug of water.

5.                     What happened while he was walking in a straight line across the cell?

He fell and while his chin rested on the floor his lips and forehead touch nothing.

6.                     What did the narrator learn about the cell as a result of his fall?

He realized he was at the very edge of a pit.   

7.                      What kind of death had the Inquisition prepared for the prisoner?

          That he would have fallen into the pit.

8.                      What changed in the cell while the narrator slept for the third time?

He could see the objects around his for the first time.
Now He could see the size and shape of his cell.

9.                      What did he discover when he looked up at the ceiling of the prison?

He saw a figure of Time, holding a huge Pendulum.

10.                 What did he see when he looked up a next time?

          He saw the pendulum moved again very slowly.

11.                 What new type of death did the narrator realise the Inquisition had prepared for him?

          The pendulum with its sharp edge becomes increasingly closer, trying to cut him the chest through his ​​clothes.

12.                 How did the narrator free himself from the strap?

The rats had eaten the straps he was free.

13.                 What new form of torture followed the pendulum?

Hundreds of rats leapt onto him and they ran over his throat.

14.                 What happened at the end of the story?

He was saved by the arm of the French army of General Lasalle.

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Datails The Murders in the Rue Morgue

 The Murders in the Rue Morgue

1.               When did the narrator first meet Monsieur C. Auguste Dupin?

      They met in a bookshop when they both searched for the same rare book in Paris.

2.               Why did the police often ask Dupin for help them solve mysteries?

Because his skill and talent for putting facts together and finding logical explanations for difficult situations.

3.               Why did Dr. Dumas think the murderer was a man?

He thought so because no woman would have been strong enough to cause such injuries.

4.               What facts made it difficult to solve the case?

The voices that were heard; the fact that no one was found upstairs;  the windows which were all locked without possibility to escape and the terrible violence of the murder.

5.               The witnesses agreed that the deep voice belonged to a Frenchman, but they did not agree about the high voice. What was peculiar about the high voice?

It was that an Englishman, a Dutchman, a Spaniard and a Frenchman all described the voice as the voice of a foreigner.

6.                What did Dupin find when he examined the two windows?

      That the window probably closed on its own after the murderer climbed out.

7.               What did Dupin discover about the hair found in Madame L’Espanaye’s   hand and fingerprints found on Camille’s neck?

That this is not human hair and these marks were not  made by a human hand.

8.               Why Dupin stop at a newspaper office on his way home?

He was waiting for someone who would come. The sailor.

9.               Who was the murderer?

An Orang-utang owned by a sailor.

10.         How the murderer enter Madame L’Espanaye’s bedroom?

       It climbed up the lightning-rod with great agility grasped the shutter and swung into the room.

11.         What happened to the murderer?

         It was sold it to the zoo for a great deal of money.

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

The Masque of the Red Death (Ingles)

The Masque of the Red Death

by Edgar Allan Poe

The Pit and the Pendulum (Ingles)

The Pit and the Pendulum

by Edgar Allan Poe

The Murders in the Rue Morgue (Ingles)

The Murders in the Rue Morgue

by Edgar Allan Poe

La Máscara de la Muerte Roja (Español)

La máscara de la muerte roja

Autor: Edgar Allan Poe  (1809 – 1849) Boston USA

La Muerte Roja había devastado el país durante largo tiempo. Jamás una peste había sido tan fatal y tan espantosa. La sangre era su encarnación y su sello: el rojo y el horror de la sangre. Comenzaba con agudos dolores, un vértigo repentino, y luego los poros sangraban y sobrevenía la muerte. Las manchas escarlata en el cuerpo y la cara de la víctima eran el bando de la peste, que la aislaba de toda ayuda y de toda simpatía. Y la invasión, progreso y fin de la enfermedad se cumplían en media hora.

El Poso y el Péndulo (Español)

El pozo y el péndulo

Autor: Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849) Boston USA

Los Crímenes de la Calle Morgue (Español)

Los crímenes de la calle Morgue

Autor: Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1848) Boston USA